CCISD, True Texas Project and Scott Bowen.

CCISD Trustee was the guest speaker of True Texas Project.

TTP was thrown out of another venue due to their support of white nationalist figures and rhetoric. Back in 2022 Buzz Aldrin’s church in Webster banned the far right group from having their meetings in the facility after learning about the group. According to The Texas Tribune another group, the Dallas Botanical Gardens, has cancelled TTP’s event stating they “rejects all forms of hate speech, discrimination, or bigotry.”

And they have a point. A big one. Even some of the most white wing of the party, including Don Huffines, has joined 12 other speakers and have cancelled their appearance at the event. From the Tribune:

Billed as the 15th anniversary celebration for True Texas Project, the conference agenda claims that there is a “war on white America,” and urges attendees to embrace once-fringe ideologies such as Christian nationalism or the Great Replacement Theory, which claims that there is an intentional, often Jewish-driven, effort to destroy white people through immigration, interracial marriage or the LGBTQ+ community.

Other speakers include “figures with ties to antisemites and extremists, including Paul Gottfried, a far-right author who mentored neo-Nazi Richard Spencer”. TTP is supported by the two republican billionaires out of the Dallas area, Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks. They also created Defend Texas Liberty PAC. The leadership was caught meeting with known white supremacist Nick Fuentes. The backlash was so bad the PAC folded but they created another under a new name.

This is who CCISD Scott Bowen associates with. Do yourself a favor and read the two articles from the Tribune. The first outs the group and their agenda for the birthday bash. The second is about the speakers cancelling their appearance. Here are a few comments from the speakers:

  • “I know that the True Texas Project gets things done and I need each and every one of you to continue to fight for the conservative principles we all stand for,” –Ted Cruz
  • “Every good and [decent] and honorable person associated with this event should back out,” Travis County GOP Chair Matt Mackowiak 
  • It’s a “dumb and inaccurate way to promote the Republican agenda” and that he “was never given a lineup of speakers or topics.” Senator Don Huffines
  • “I categorically reject white replacement theory and never write or speak about it. I’m not interested in any of that stuff.” Todd Bensman, a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies
  • “What kind of stupid son of a bitch would associate with these racist assholes?” Me.

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