The Quorum Vote at the Texas Democratic Convention

And you wonder why we lose?

While the MAGAts of the Republican Party are working to give everyone easy access to guns, destroying our faith in our judicial system, and limiting the rights of women, the delegates of the Texas Democratic Convention was arguing about having a protest vote in our primaries. It was ugly, petty, and pathetic.

There were 4 resolutions/rule changes pulled from consent and were to be debated on the floor of the convention including paying the TDP chair, supporting rank choice voting, and a rule concerning precinct chairs. There was wide support for these. Then there was the rule to add an “Uncommitted” to our presidential primary ballot much like some other states like New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. That stemmed from the Palestinian wing of the party.

Prior to debate the Chair declared that we did not have quorum and all hell broke loose. Hinojosa, speaking to the delegates like they were 2nd graders (some deserved that), continued to say “I will continue when you are finished.”. Eventually they were finished and the process to overturn the chair’s decision was explained, over and over again as per Roberts Rules of Order, which the convention is conducted under. So someone finally motioned to challenge the Chair, it was seconded, and we had to have a roll call vote with each Congressional District reporting yay or nay per county. We have 254 counties in Texas with 38 CDs. Three hours later, we had the vote to overturn the Chair. YEAH!

But….the vote also showed we did not meet the rules of quorum so the 3 hour process was moot and the Convention was adjourned as per the rules. During the 3 hour bitch session many delegates had to leave due to airline and bus schedules thereby breaking quorum.

This is what we argued about. A protest vote. Even if this passed what would it do besides providing negative national attention to our nominee? Go ahead and google protest vote news. I’ll wait. Much like 2016 the whiny little bitches of the Democratic Party have to have a way to publicly whine about everything or anything. If you don’t like immigration policies, protest vote. How about consumer issues? Or woman’s rights? Gay rights? Veteran issues? Gun violence? Pick your damn bottle of whine and protest vote. Give the media a great sound bite which they will exploit. Help to weaken our candidates chances of winning like you did in 2016.

How in the fuck did that work out for you, for us? The three resolutions/rule changes were good for the party and I wish we had the opportunity to vote on these. The protest vote was an embarrassment.

Grow the fuck up people.

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