League City Council guts their Code of Ethical Conduct

Guess whose fingerprints are all over this.

League City Council has become a treasure trove of news stories and recently they are not good ones. Banning books, firing librarians, bankruptcies, firing city attorneys are just a few. Here is another. Someone in League City government has redlined the Code of Ethics suggesting changes to how the city will “hold its elected officials and the appointed officials and employees to the highest standards of ethical conduct.” 

You would think that a city of “conservative” citizens would demand a rigid, law and order, approach to ethical conduct from their elected leaders. (LOL) If that is the case they will be shocked to see the proposed changes to their Code of Ethics. You can read the entire 6 pages here. Here are just a few of the changes:

  • Guts the Rules of Ethical Conduct section
  • Removes ethics standards specifically for League City
  • Removes disclosures of gifts to elected officials
  • Removes “Conducting themselves with integrity”
  • Removes conflict of interest concerning city business
  • Removes section titled “Rules of ethical conduct”.
  • Removes limitation on gifts to city officials
  • Removes the entire complaint process against city officials.
  • Removes the ethics review panel

There is so much more, or less, to read. Take a minute and read it.

League City. No Place for Ethics.

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One Response to League City Council guts their Code of Ethical Conduct

  1. Juan says:

    Make way. I have council members to purchase.

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